Dear diary, |
Dietitian Diaries #11
Dear diary,
The majority of individuals I have the privilege to support are searching for food freedom, which when I was searching for it too I thought would feel exhilarating and wild; but actually it feels much more like coming home to yourself, like safety.
I thought I would share what I would do if I wanted food freedom and to truly heal my relationship with food ...
Be well nurtured, Love Rachel
Daily paper
Every day-ish (that I have capacity) I read a nutrition, eating or health focused research paper, here are the takeaways from this week; a little science for soul.
Small act of nurturance *
A little more nervous system regulation and a little less nutrient depletion can change us, change the way we parent and heal the next generation.
Almonds are rich in beneficial fats, fibre, proteins, vitamin E, vitamin B, minerals such as copper, calcium and magnesium as well as diverse bioactive compounds - phytosterols and polyphenols and are used as a natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. Research suggest that regular almond consumption can support in the protection from chronic degenerative diseases as well as a decreased risk of obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes and metabolic syndrome,Try adding 30g almonds a day in your mid morning snack.
*Generalised advise and not a personal prescription, please seek support from a dietitian or clinician for individual support and guidance.