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Dietitian Diaries
The journey of rewilding, self nurturance and soft growth.
Welcome to Dietitian Diaries; evidence based writing and recipes mixed with a drop of vulnerable oversharing.

Rachel Anne Hobbs R.D.
4 min read
If I wanted food freedom I would ...
Dear diary, Dietitian Diaries #11 Dear diary, The majority of individuals I have the privilege to support are searching for food...

Rachel Anne Hobbs R.D.
3 min read
Binge eating is not about willpower
Dear diary, Dietitian Diaries #9 Dear diary, If you have been here a while you will know that I speak greatly about the impact of...

Rachel Anne Hobbs R.D.
4 min read
A familiar hell over an unfamiliar heaven
Dear diary, Dietitian Diaries #5 Dear diary, One recurring theme that I am noticing more and more that comes up in my sessions is...

Rachel Anne Hobbs R.D.
6 min read
10 tips to find food freedom
Dear diary, Dietitian Diaries #4 Dear diary, Like many, with Christmas being just around the corner it always seems to be a time of...

Rachel Anne Hobbs R.D.
3 min read
"I deserve pleasure" "This is delicious"
Dietitian diaries #3 Dear diary Over the recent couple of months I have been working with companies to support their staff to understand...

Rachel Anne Hobbs R.D.
4 min read
If we want to be fun, we need to be well-fed
Dietitian diaries #2 As my brain has gently come back online the last few months now the sleepless nights are a little less (*touches...

Rachel Anne Hobbs R.D.
4 min read
Dietitian diaries : thinness is not the ultimate success
Dietitian Diaries #1 Dear Diary It has been a while since I last wrote, thank you for your patience; mothering a new baby, a wild...

Rachel Anne Hobbs R.D.
1 min read
Easy blended oats
My littles are not fans of the texture of porridge, but these are always a win; and a balance of wholegrain carbohydrates, protein, fats...

Rachel Anne Hobbs R.D.
4 min read
If I had given birth within the last two years, I would be eating ...
Pregnancy and breastfeeding are the most nutritionally demanding times of a mother’s life.

Rachel Anne Hobbs R.D.
8 min read
An addiction to fitness : Anorexia Athletica
I have been working as an Eating Disorder Dietitian and Therapist within the fitness space for over a decade and have witnessed the...

Rachel Anne Hobbs R.D.
7 min read
The addictive nature of binge eating, calorie counting and movement.
Is binge eating a type of addiction? What about food restriction or calorie counting or obsessive exercise? I have always been...

Rachel Anne Hobbs R.D.
5 min read
Does dieting cause eating disorders?
“Does dieting cause eating disorders?” is a question that comes up alot in my clinic, and the answer is no, yes and maybe … it is pretty com

Rachel Anne Hobbs R.D.
6 min read
Nutrition to reduce motherhood overwhelm and stress
I am a mum of three; a teenager, toddler and newborn and I love it SO much … and also at times our house is wild and intense;

Rachel Anne Hobbs R.D.
2 min read
Jammy Breakfast Dough Balls
If you click on my affiliates links, I am going to receive a tiny commission. The products that I advertise are the ones I believe in. We...

Rachel Anne Hobbs R.D.
7 min read
How our children see food starts with us
If you, like me, grew up in the 80’s, 90’s or 00’s era, it is highly likely that you remember the front pages of magazines strewn with...

Rachel Anne Hobbs R.D.
2 min read
Cookie Dough Yum Yum bars
These yum yum bars and bites are a favourite in our household to have as a snack or to top yoghurt or porridge bowls with.

Rachel Anne Hobbs R.D.
9 min read
Trying to lose weight whilst breastfeeding
Weight loss as a benefit of breastfeeding is not necessarily true if we look at both the evidence and experience of new mothers.
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